7 Powerful Principles Entrepreneurs Live By

entreprenuer principals

7 Powerful Principles Entrepreneurs Live By

by DC Cordova

In my program, Money & You®, we teach entrepreneurs, business professionals, salespeople, doctors, attorneys, alternative health care providers, engineers, scientists, writers, networking professionals, business owners, and many wealth gurus – you name them, we’ve taught them – how to live a principle-filled life based on the teachings of R. Buckminster Fuller, W. Edwards Deming, Georgi Lozanov, and many other pioneers of new thinking.

The creators of Money & You® are Bobbi DePorter and Marshall Thurber who, in the mid-1970’s, pioneered a never-before-seen Business School for Entrepreneurs that lasted six weeks!

The reasons why six weeks was a breakthrough – and continues to be – is because there wasn’t and still isn’t a school anything like it. They called it the Burklyn Business School for Entrepreneurs and it was first offered in Vermont in 1978. Later that year, they created Money & You®, designed to be five days that incorporated left-and-right-brain teaching techniques extensively researched in the post-war era economic expansion. It’s actually quite fun! If you like music, games, color and experiencing rather than sitting in a classroom, you’ll get it.

We’ve took our teaching and learning technology global, and now it is offered in North America, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and throughout China.

So, with that background on what Money & You® is, I’d like to share 7 POWERFUL Principles to live by (every successful entrepreneur I know lives by these principles).

  1. The Universe Will Not Deny You Anything. Only You Can Do That. -G.S.
    This is one of the most powerful principles I have learned and we teach. R. Buckminster Fuller referred to God as the Native Americans did – Great Spirit or G.S. For some of you this is easy – everything you have in your life right now – every relationship, money in the bank, your cars, pets, where you live, your attitude, your free time, your fulfillment – is completely what you’ve chosen! The Universe is abundant and there is only ONE PERSON who can deny you ANYTHING! YOU! Get this one and you’ll create freedom.
  2. Thinking Is the Hardest Thing You Can Do. That’s Why So Few People Engage In It. -Henry Ford
    Think about this one… When have you stopped yourself because it got “hard” to find the solution? Realize that you will be compensated in direct proportion to the size of the solution you solve.
  3. Integrity Is The Essence Of Everything (Successful). -R. Buckminster Fuller
    The human spirit has complete integrity. When you are out of touch with yourself, you may take some actions that are not congruent with what you know to be best. So, basically, integrity is something that “holds it’s own shape.” Take a look around you and see if there are things that are not working for you. And are you in complete integrity with yourself?
  4. 94% Of Problems Are System Based. Look To The System To Correct. -W. Edwards Deming
    W. Edwards Deming is known as the father of Quality Control. He is the reason why Toyota is known for quality. If the results in your business continue to suffer, the systems you have aren’t producing  your desired results. As they say in the computer world, “Garbage in, garbage out!” Well, with a bad system that’s not always true. You can have gold going in and garbage coming out. One of the co-creators of M&Y, Marshall Thurber, was an avid student of W. Edwards Deming. For more information on his work go to http://www.positivedeviants.com
  5. Clarity Leads To Power.
    As they used to say in the G.I. Joe cartoon, “Knowing’s half the battle!” When you are clear on your goals, your values, your mission – everything will begin to fall in place. It’s the decision in knowing what you want that sets you on the path. The “how” of making your goals come true will appear in miraculous moments.
  6. The Most Powerful Force I Have Is What I Say To Myself AND What I Believe.
    Your words create. Buckminster Fuller said, “Words are your most powerful tool.” Other teachers of ours share that we create with our words. And science is now validating that our thoughts are also physically affect the condition of our cells.
  7. There Are No Victims. Only Volunteers.
    Responsibility is removing all blame, shame and justification. When you take responsibility for the results you have, you truly learn the value in the learning experiences throughout your life. What do all those experiences have in common? You.

Creative Commons License photo credit: mborowick

4 replies
  1. Laura Humphreys
    Laura Humphreys says:

    Hi DC, I was once your promoter in NZ and went on to create a life of financial freedom through business – completely because of what I learnt at Money & You. Looking at these principals I realise that I found what I really believed in and still hold these values true to the core of who I am today. I stand up in front of rooms full of people to this day and tell them that Money & You is ultimately responsible for my success. Hope you are well and happy. Laura xx

  2. Hallot
    Hallot says:

    Thank you for this information. I am battling with #1, but will try to rectify this. As for W. Edwards Deming I will begin reading on him, but Richard Buckminster Fuller, Gurdjieff and Stuart Wilde and E. Tole are keeping me incredibly busy and very frustrated, energized and intrigued.

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