* Based on the teachings of the Money & You® program and other Excellerated programs which have been taught for over 40 years globally. Many of today’s wealth experts and rock stars of the industry are graduates and have adopted some of these principles and tools and have been taught to millions.
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Decide To Network
I was reminded of the power of Networking with Intention the other day when I read this poem by the former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations. Global Entrepreneurs know the power of networking. And I know this poem will inspire you to be more powerful in realizing your dreams.
A Great Business Success Model
A Whole-System Approach to Business
How to make the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time!
Financial Alchemy – Create a New Relationship with Money
Your current financial situation is a direct reflection of your inner relationship with Money. If you don’t like your finances, something needs to change in your relationship.
This is where Alchemy comes in.
The Homeless Man I “Adopted”
I have been living at the beach in San Diego since 1980… It’s a beautiful area with cliffs, sunclipses, good-looking people, bicycles paths, and just about everything that a nature lover that lives in a city could want.
The area is filled with some pretty colorful characters and things – from million dollar homes overlooking the gorgeous clear (most days) ocean, to bikers, hippies, veterans, tourists, and homeless folks since they are allowed in this beach
Huang Ming – Awarded Laureate of 2011 Right Livelihood Award
Huang Ming, one of the world’s most successful Solar Entrepreneur, will be hosting The Excellerated Business School in China this year. His commitment is to make all of China (and the world) run on renewable energy! His valley is one of a kind.
6 Steps to Create Happiness and Wealth – Part 1
You can attract happiness and wealth with your spirit and mind but if your home is not telling the universe the same, the universe cannot deliver.
Two important parts of the Law of Attraction are: Act as if and Like attracts like. You can act as if you are already wealthy and happy by making your home and workspace exactly as you wish.
Celebrating Buckminster Fuller
He was such a futurist that we can expect his work still being world-famous decades from now. We were blessed to have him in our lives as a Mentor — we were not his Protegees (you had to be a genius to be that) — but students of the principles that he taught us.
Bucky would learn from nature and then apply it the human experience.
Financial Literacy Goes Beyond Knowing the Details.
What part does financial literacy play in achieving our dreams?
If your dreams are to have a abundant life which includes a beautiful home (or homes), automobiles for yourself and your family, a great education for your children (and yourself), and a business that works like a money-making machine with systems in place that allow you to be financially free – receiving profits, royalties, rents – or to be financially independent from wise investments and your attention on them is minimal… there is no question that financial literary is key.
What Would Bucky Say About Today’s Global Challenges?
The social revolution potential now can for the first time in history realize economic success for all and a comprehensive world enjoyment that involves not revengefully toppling the economically successful minority but elevating all humanity to a sustainable higher level of existing and interacting than any humans have heretofore either experienced or dreamed of.
Just What Is A Socially Conscious Entrepreneur?
The Conscious Capitalism® movement is gaining momentum as more and more businesses seek ways to stand for a deeper purpose — providing harmonious collaboration among all stakeholders, including investors, employees, team leaders, suppliers, community, environment and humanity. Businesses of all sizes now recognize they can make a profit AND a difference in the world.
What Else Are We Missing?
Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning…
A man with a violin plays six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approx. 2 thousand people passed through the station, most of them on their way to work.
Why Entrepreneurial Education is Key
DC recently attended the Business School For Entrepreneurs in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and was asked to do an interview on The Business Station on how entrepreneur education is key in obtaining success.
Build a Tower, Build a Team…
Tom Wujec presents surprisingly deep research into the “marshmallow problem” — a simple team-building exercise that involves dry spaghetti, one yard of tape and a marshmallow. Who can build the tallest tower with these ingredients? And why does a surprising group always beat the average?
5 Keys to Synergy for Entrepreneurs
What is Synergy?
(1+1 = 11), Buckminster Fuller