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6 Steps to Create Happiness and Wealth – Part 3

Happy Buddha

Third Step: The Universe supports your wish

The Law of Attraction tells us that the Universe is our greatest supporter and supports us in any wish we have.

Show the universe that you know you trust the support, by sitting on your throne; the King or Queen always sits on a throne. Feng Shui requires that you feel the support of the universe in your life. Remember you need to act as if. When you sit in a way that you feel support in your back, you are acting as if the universe is supporting you and IT WILL.

1/ Sit in a solid, high–backed chair.

2/ Sitting with a solid wall behind you also provides support.

3/ If you sit with your back to a door or window, make sure you have a solid, high–backed chair or a tall round-leaved plant behind you.

4/ If those are not possible, make sure you hang on the back of your chair an image of a mountain or a mentor or an angel, so you are symbolically supported by someone representing the Universe.
Fourth Step: Be open to the gifts of the Universe

The Law of Attraction tells us that you need to be open to the gifts of the universe. You need to be in a receiving mode. If you are not opening yourself to what the universe has as insights or as taps on your shoulder and you turn yourself away from the possibilities, you will not see the gifts coming to you.

Show the universe that you are open to receiving. The King or Queen sits in their throne in a way that allows them to see the incoming flow from the universe. By sitting this way, they are open to the gifts that the universe is in process of manifesting. The gifts can come as physical gifts, in the form of relationships with the right people, or the perfect insight or information you need. Feng Shui requires that you feel the support of the universe in your life. Remember you need to act as if. When sitting in a way that you feel support in your back and are open in the front, you are acting as if the universe is supporting you and IT WILL.

Position your Chair as the throne of the Queen or King

Wherever you sit: your desk, on your couch, in a restaurant, or in meetings, position yourself like a queen or king to see the incoming flow. If you can see the incoming flow where you sit, you can see the opportunities the universe is sending you. You will make the right decisions, as your senses will capture all the messages the universe sends.

Extra tips:

1/ Make sure you have a solid wall behind you for support or a high-backed chair.
2/ Make sure images hang behind you that are supportive: as mentors, mountains, angels, family members or partners that support you.
3/ Remove any sharp-leaved plants from your area.
4/ Remove all clutter around you.
5/ The main breadwinner or head of the family needs to sit in the best position – not your children or your dog or cat or your mother in law: you need to be in charge of your home.

Position your Bed as the bed of the Queen or King

The universe also sends messages at night because dreams and inspiration can help you direct your life to make the right decisions. You need to clearly see the door when you wake up to the messages of the universe in the morning.

Extra tips:

1/ Make sure you have a solid wall behind you for support.
2/ Try to sleep in a good direction for you personally: the top of your head needs to point to a good direction.
3/ If your bed is placed into a corner for sleeping in the right direction, make sure you have a headboard or a screen behind you.
4/ Make sure no mirror is reflecting your bed.
5/ Sleep in a queen or king sized bed even when you sleep alone.
6/ Do not hang images of water above your bed: you drown – no images of big rocks – you are squashed.
7/ Put images above your bed of what you wish to manifest: romance, health, wisdom, success, so your unconscious mind can focus on them during your sleep.
8/ No headboard made of slats or you will cut to pieces your energy for manifesting.

Check out the final installment of “6 Steps to Create Happiness and Wealth” – You’re almost ready to receive it!

Good Fortune,

Marie Diamond

Copyright Marie Diamond USA 2006

photo credit: bucci1
photo credit: Jeremy Burgin

6 Steps to Create Happiness and Wealth – Part 4

Wealth and Money

6 Steps to Create Happiness and Wealth – Steps Five and Six

Fifth Step: Optimize your Manifestation

To have the highest results for the Law of Attraction, your home needs to reflect your thoughts, emotions and actions. Using the Law of Attraction in your environment needs to become a daily practice, a second nature, so that your whole body and aura are constantly opening up to the messages in the universe; from the moment that you awaken in your queen or king-sized bed, to the coffee shop where you take your breakfast, to the desk in your office, the business meeting at lunch, your wonderful dinner with your partner, (make sure you both see the entrance of the restaurant – be gracious to your partner) until you watch the late night show in your living room with the family.


As you know, it is important during the day to face the right direction for you. This allows all your senses to capture all the incoming messages and gifts from the universe.

When you face the right direction, you can:

1/ hear the right messages.
2/ see the right signs.
3/ smell and taste the subtle impressions the universe is giving you.
4/ feel in your heart this is the right thing to do.
5/ say to the universe, Thank You ……I GOT IT.

What is the right direction?


In the first step you needed to hang in your personal best directions the right message to the universe.
Well if you wish to receive quick and instant gifts from the universe, you need to sit as much as 5 hours per day towards the right direction.

1/ you wish to attract success: sit at least 5 hours facing the right direction
2/ you wish to attract health: sit at least 5 hours facing the right direction
3/ you wish to attract relationships: sit at least 5 hours facing the right direction
4/ you wish to attract wisdom: sit at least 5 hours facing the right direction

Everything you need to know about your personal right directions, can be found in the Diamond Feng Shui Essentials.

If this is your own home or office, make sure that in the direction you are facing, there is an image that reflects what you wish.

In your Success direction you can hang:
a vision board with your goals.
an image of someone that is already successful in what you desire.

In your Health direction you can hang:
an image that represents your health goal.
an image of someone that already attained your goal.

In your Relationship direction you can hang:
an image that represents your relationship goals.
images of romance, friendship, family or teamwork depending on your goal.
an image of some people that already attained your goal.

In your Wisdom direction you can hang:
an image of the kind of wisdom you wish to attract.
an image of something or someone that represents the level of wisdom and knowledge you are looking for.

Make sure that nothing that tells the opposite message is still around.
It is better to have nothing than the wrong image.
Let go of all blockages or storage in the area you wish to optimize.

Sixth Step: LET IT BE: Let the Universe fill in the How

As the Beatles already sang it… Let it be. When you have done all the right things to bring in the Law of Attraction in your home, you just let it be and start doing your normal work and living.

Diamond Feng Shui starts working within 9 seconds, 9 minutes, 9 weeks, or 9 months…

The more you combine the 3 aspects: Heavenly, Human and Earth luck, the faster it starts working.
The more you let it go, the more the universe can start bringing in the wonders of the Law of Attraction.

I have seen it working sometimes in 9 seconds, as people feel a definite shift in their awareness; others feel it after several weeks. If you don’t notice it, your friends and family will. It always becomes obvious but sometimes we don’t see the signs. And when it starts changing, be grateful, be happy so the universe can bring in more of the good that you have desired.

Good Fortune,

Marie Diamond

Copyright Marie Diamond USA 2006

Creative Commons License photo credit: 1Happysnapper
Creative Commons License photo credit: ttarasiuk

First I Must Change

Change for the better - Money & Me

One of the core principles of Money & You is that “the key to making money is directly proportional to one’s ability to generate and maintain good relationships – both with oneself and with others.

This self-knowledge is learned and experienced through many different activities throughout the program because it is such a key pre-requisite to long-term success in any business.

One of the mantras underlying its basic philosophy is “for things to change, first I must change”.

Money & You teaches people to feel okay about making mistakes – to recognize them as learning experiences. Graduates learn ways to apply many of the principles taught in the program to their businesses and their lives. They gain wisdom daily and thereby become more and more successful as the distinctions seen in the program become part of their daily reality.

Many of our graduates are world-famous men and women. Others, not so famous, are making a difference in their own communities and industries. Many have started organizations that teach the principles they found so powerful at their own Money & You program. We love the ripple effect that our work provides and we love teaching this curriculum.

Are you ready for a change? Click here to find out more about Money & You.

(Also registered for the Money & Me® Teleclass.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Ralph Buckley

Why Some (Sales) People Think LinkedIn Doesn’t Work

Fortune: New Possibilities

Why Some (Sales) People Think LinkedIn Doesn’t Work For Them

LinkedIn is a very powerful tool that can support us when we want to get in touch with potential customers – from all around the world.

However many salespeople tell us LinkedIn doesn’t work for them. In this article we talk about the three most common misconceptions.

      1. Though crafting a good Profile helps people find you based on your expertise, products or services (via Linkedin or via Google or other search engines), this is not where the power of LinkedIn resides.
      2. LinkedIn is a very powerful tool for salespeople who are proactive and don’t wait till someone contacts them.

“I have made a Profile, now potential customers will contact me one after the other.”

  1. “I have sent some potential customers an Invitation. However they don’t accept the Invitation or don’t respond to my messages to buy my products or services.”
    1. LinkedIn is a NETWORK tool and not a SALES tool. LinkedIn helps to build relationships with people. If you use it like a “cold-calling machine,” the reaction of people will be the same as with a “cold-call”: no reaction or even rejection. Not only is this not effective and not very efficient, there is also another danger: LinkedIn has tools available to indicate you are a spammer. If you get too many of these “flags”, your chances of fostering a connection and building rapport with others will be greatly reduced!
    2. It’s About the Relationships! The golden rule of Bob Burg always applies: “All things being equal people do business with and refer business to people they know, like and trust.” LinkedIn offers you the opportunity to increase these 3 factors if done in the right way. Crafting a good Profile, helping others in Discussions and Answers and not pushing your products or services you already helps a lot, just like in “real life”.
  2. I use the “Get Introduced To” function to get me referred by my network to potential customers.
    1. Though this approach might get you some results, it is not always the best option… and your own network doesn’t always forward your messages and the prospect doesn’t always reply (or read unknown senders’ messages, for that matter!). There might be several reasons for that, but the reasons most people don’t think of are: your contact doesn’t know the prospect well enough, your contact doesn’t know you well enough or your contact thinks that your message is too pushy.
    2. Instead use LinkedIn as a research database to discover the relationships between people and then proceed outside of LinkedIn. Call your contact and explain him the situation. If he responds positively, ask him to write an email to introduce you and the prospect to each other. In this way your prospect receives the message from someone he already knows and trusts. If you use LinkedIn, you are the one who takes the initiative, which is much less powerful.

About the Author

Jan Vermeiren is the founder of Networking Coach. Following on the best seller success of his first book “Let’s Connect!” , in his second book “How to REALLY use LinkedIn” he reveals even more the dynamics of networking and tools that anybody can immediately apply.

Together with his team at Networking Coach, Jan gives presentations and training courses in the field of networking and referrals. Customers are large organisations like Deloitte, Dupont, IBM, ING, SAP, Sun Microsystems and Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School , as well as small companies and freelancers.

Get your free light version of “How to REALLY use LinkedIn” at: http://www.how-to-really-use-linkedin.com

Creative Commons License photo credit: zzzack

Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 3

Proven Business Agreements

Proven Business Relationship Agreement

6 More Key Questions – Part 3

By DC Cordova

Will this really help you make more money, be happier and have more fulfillment? If you’ve ever been in a relationship before – whether business or personal – you know how to have a good relationship. Very few know how to have a great relationship.

Anthony Robbins, the world-renowned success teacher and Money & You® graduate, says it best. Your success is determined by the quality of the questions you ask. If you’ve read my previous two posts on creating a profitable business agreement (read the first Post here: Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 1 and the second Post here: Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 2), you’ll quickly realize that I outlined a series of questions for you to ask yourself and to ask your potential business partner(s).

Now we’re getting even more detailed and focused on some specifics. I find many people don’t want to deal with these. And I would ask you to take a look and see if you really applied these questions to your relationships in business, would you have more clarity? Would your planning change? What I’ve seen over the last 30 plus years is that what it takes to be an entrepreneur – not just an entrepreneur, but a successful builder of businesses that grow and thrive – is these questions are inherently a part of the way of thinking or planning.

If these posts make you think, GREAT! I’m having an impact on you. Now we’re going to take a look at the next 6 Key Questions you need to ask yourself in creating a success business relationship…

10. Know your partner

___ We have discussed and know if there are…

___ Habits they currently have and have had in the past that we might want to know about.

___ Complaints and “stories” from their past

___ Any bankruptcies and/or negative business dealings?

___ What they learned from those experiences?

___ Which ones were they able to correct?

___ If they blamed another person?

___ Were they able to take responsibility for it?

11. Personal responsibility and integrity

___ We know that personal responsibility and integrity underlies all successful partnerships and organizations. When these two distinctions are equally important to each member, everyone knows they are personally responsible for what is happening in their own lives.

___We agree not to blame and take full responsibility for our part when things don’t go the way “they are supposed to”…

___ We know going into this agreement that when we hear repeated blaming of others or constant justification of self, then we can pretty well predict the future.

12. When Money is Involved – The GREED Factor

___ We understand that a business relationship is similar to a marriage and we both are hoping that all is going to work out great. We know that it can actually get more intense when large amounts of money are made and that it can bring up negative and limiting subconscious beliefs about money, success and prosperity.

___ On the other hand, for some, the more money they make, the more the greed factor comes into play and our styles could change;  if we have blocks to having lots of money we get greedy.

___ To prevent the effects of any of these changes, we have written agreements in place and are constantly in communication with each other, because we know that maintaining alignment is essential.

___ We have met with our Professional Accountant or successful Tax Lawyer who has given us advice as to what to do with future profits.

___ What percentage of it to be reinvested in the business?

___ How much to be saved?

___ How much each of us should be taking out as profit?

___ We have met and decided in advance how the profits will be disbursed in the short and long term.

___ We agree to re-visit this and update it every six months.

13. Making Long Term Decisions

___ We see ourselves working with each other at least five, ten, twenty years from now, but if not, we have put together an “exit” agreement as well as another agreement for the possible sale of the share of the business to the other partner.

14. More than two partners

___ If there are going to be more than two partners, if any one of us is hesitant to do something, we agree to honor that person because we don’t have total alignment.

___ If this doesn’t work we agree to get the advice of a third party we all trust.

15. Personal Decisions

___ We have discussed that if one of the partners decides to get married (or divorced) what will happen with the spouse in terms of the business.

___ If one of us decides to have a child, we have discussed how it is going to affect our participation?

___ We know what each partner is personally committed to and what the business represents for them.

Wow! I actually enjoy writing these because I know this is what works. Now, ask yourself: Do these questions make sense? If I’m going to create a business with another partner, does it make sense to know the answers to these questions? Ask yourself, what if I didn’t know the answers and wasn’t prepared? Could I lose my interest in the business?

So, I’d like to have some of your feedbackWe still have 5 more Keys to creating a Successful Business Agreement – and I’d like to know your thoughts. What has worked for you in business? What has caused upsets?

I look forward to sharing the next and final segment with you. Until then, I challenge you to take these questionnaires, print them out and actually go through the checklists.

And I’d like to give you a gift: Your Personal Entrepreneurial Strategy

With loving thoughts,

DC Cordova

Creative Commons License photo credit: Tracy O

It’s Everywhere – And You Better Know What To Do With It!

find energy business

By Glenda Feilen

It’s everywhere! It’s in you, on you, and around you. And what you do with it makes a huge difference in your world. If you use it to your advantage, you can expect cash flowing into your life, great relationships, and vibrant health.

However, if you are oblivious to its presence, you could be in big trouble and facing a downward spiral.

So, what is it that is everywhere and so life altering?

It’s energy. Do you know how important the Law of Energy is in your life? It’s affecting you every single moment that you breathe. You can take it in and create great things with it or just ignore it. If ignoring it has been your habit, you just might want to make an immediate U turn in your behavior.

Recently a man told me, “Oh, I’ve heard about energy. I know all about that.” At that moment his business was anything but booming, his marriage was ending, and his bank accounts were busted. “Hearing and knowing about energy” didn’t help him at all. It’s how you are using this invisible, magical power that creates happiness in your life. It may be hidden from your eyes, but it is present literally everywhere in your life.

How do you use the energy ‘in you’, ‘on you’, and ‘around you’ to create some miraculous happenings in your life?

Difficult as it may be to believe, even though the law of energy has a huge impact in your life, only small changes need to be made to begin seeing its beneficial effects. You can easily harness that great hidden power and use it to your advantage in every area of your life.

I say ‘hidden’ because you can’t see it. If we could see it, we would certainly be mindful to the energy that is flowing and when it is flowing right, everything else follows!

Let’s talk about the hidden power within you.

The energy you put out from a soul level is what you think, say, speak, and feel. Napoleon Hill said it best in his book Law of Success. “You have a genius lying within your brain.” Wake up your genius and get it to work for you. The creative power of your soul will lie dormant until you take control of that genius in your mind. Then you will see immediate changes in your life.

What about the energy on you?

Who would ever think that the way you look makes a difference in your success. It does make a big difference. The colors, textures, designs, fabrics, and accessories you wear either attract others to you or repel them on a vibrational level. Instead of trying to create an image to impress others, dress so that others can see the real you inside. When you dress according to how you radiate your energy, others see you – instead of your costume. Dress so that the ‘outside you’ reveals the ‘inside you’ to step into your power. When you do, others take you more seriously, you sell more products, have more customers, and attract empowering relationships. You are never as powerful as when you are being yourself.

What’s this around you energy?

It’s your playing field. Where you live and work. That’s right. Energy flows into your home and office and the way you arrange your environment can make an immediate difference in the happiness of your family, the profits in your business, and the quality of your relationships. Is your sleeping direction attracting positive relationships? Are you attracting money with the current direction your desk is facing? Are the colors and objects in your home and office energetically bringing you customers? Donald Trump said, “If changing the direction of my desk can bring be another million, why not do it!”

A client of mine recently moved to San Diego because her life had taken a turn for the worse. She had been fired from her job, evicted from her home, and had just gone through a family crisis. She began to consciously apply the law of energy to her thoughts, feelings, and words. She stepped into her power by radiating to the world her true self by using energy principles from “Fashion for the Soul’. She also made some energy changes in her home and office to create a warm, friendly environment. Today she is in a fulfilling relationship, has a job which pays double that from which she was fired, is happily reunited with her family. Her life has completely turned around. All she did was to make a personal turn around in the way she was applying the law of energy in her life.

If you are not taking the best advantage of applying the law of energy in your life, it’s not too late to let Glenda Feilen put you on the fast track. No one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. Contact Glenda today at www.ContactGlenda.com

Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney