Tag Archive for: money

Perception vs. Talent: What is Perception Worth?

Perception vs. Talent:

What is Perception Worth?

One of our graduates sent along an e-mail that many of you may have already seen.

Is perception real? Some say perception is everything! What can you learn from this story? Can you apply this to your personal life, and in doing so, make a transformation in your career or business? I think so. And that is at the core of what we teach in our Money & You® 3 1/2 day Program. That not only are we all ordinary and we all wake up every morning with the same dreams and fears… we are also unknowingly extra-ordinary. So much so that we don’t even recognize it when it’s right in front of us.

Here’s the forwarded e-mail:


…something to think about…

Perception vs. Talent

In a Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approximately 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

After 3 minutes a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing.

He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule.

4 minutes later:
The violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.

6 minutes:

A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

10 minutes:

A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.

45 minutes:
The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace.The man collected a total of $32.

1 hour:

He finished playing and silence took over… No one noticed. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before Joshua Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people’s priorities. The questions raised: in a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty?

Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context? Are we quick to judge? To stereotype?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this:
If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world,
playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made…
How many other things are we missing?


Isn’t that an amazing story?

Maybe you’ve become aware of something in your life by reading this incredible story of how unconscious we can be. My purpose is to “Uplift Humanity’s Consciousness Through Business” and I hope this story made you look inside; made you more aware and conscious.

With loving thoughts,

DC Cordova
CEO, Excellerated Business Schools®/Money & You® Program
Get Your Personal Entrepreneurial Strategy here: http://excellerated.com/index1.htm

P.S. – Here’s the video on YouTube if you’d like to check it out…

Joshua Bell – “Stop and Hear the Music” by the Washington Post

Doing Life? How One Woman Saved NY State $1 Billion

Crime Cutting

Doing Life?

How One Woman Saved NY State $1 Billion

“As of 2008, there were 2.3 Million in prisons in the United States, that is one in each 100 people in the United States. With just 5% of the word’s population, the US has the highest incarcerated population in the world. I have worked in this system since 1973, focused on one intention: to transform prisons from places of punishment to places of healing. Throughout my journey, I  have been blessed to learn from the best, to study and apply the most effective strategies to my work.

Interpersonal ResponsibilityWhen I attended Money & You® for the first time in 1982, with 66 of my core staff at the time, I experienced that it encompassed the best of all that I had learned so far. After more than 27 years of continuing to work with DC Cordova and these distinctions, M&Y remains the best of phenomenal opportunities I have had.

In three-and-a-half days, Money & You® offers an elegant, efficient and highly-effective process that works in any environment. It is also a portal to so many other resources, including The Quantum Learning Network of Bobbi DePorter, the co-creator and one of DC’s original partners in this work.

Money & You® was the first step into an area rich with opportunities and world-class leaders  who have greatly enriched my life, and that of the more than 6,000 staff and more than 40,000 graduates of the Total Learning Environments I created and implemented in prisons.  By 2004, with 35,000 graduates, the Shock Incarceration program had saved the State of New York more than $1.18 Billion, to say nothing of the families and children affected by their parent’s success.

Dr. Cherie  Clark
President/Co-founder Doing Life® International Inc.

Cherie Clark

For more on Dr. Clark’s extraordinary results, see her profile below


Dr. Cheryl L. Clark
As well as President and co-founder of DOING LIFE!® International Inc., Cherie Clark is also the Director of Shock Incarceration and the Willard Drug Treatment Campus (DTC) for the New York State Department of Correctional Services (NYS DOCS).

Shock Incarceration is internationally recognized as the leading program of its type in the world. In 2004, research documented more than $1 billion in cost savings to the taxpayers of New York State for the institutional phase alone.

Dr. Clark has worked in human services since 1966, first in Social Services then Juvenile Justice. She started in Criminal Justice in 1974, where after other management positions, she researched, designed and implemented a Total Learning Environment™ (TLE™) for the NYS DOCS, the Network Program.

In 1985, Dr. Clark was appointed Director of Staff Development for the NYS Division of Parole, to assist with the implementation of the Division’s Regional management system. She developed supervisory and Management Training Programs for the Division, in addition to streamlining and improving training programs for all levels of Parole staff. She considers one of her most significant accomplishments for that agency the design and implementation of the first Street Survival course for Parole Officers.

Dr. Clark returned to DOCS in 1987 to develop the Shock Incarceration program and has directed this initiative since its inception. Because of the outstanding, unprecedented success of Shock, in 1995 Dr. Clark was asked to design the Willard DTC and expand Shock staff training to include all staff of the DTC. The Willard DTC is unique as a stand-alone correctional Drug Treatment Campus. Based in both military and Network community models, Shock Incarceration and the DTC have an equal emphasis on self-discipline, treatment and life skills education.

Dr. Clark earned a Ph.D. in the School of Health and Human Services at Columbia Commonwealth University and holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology from the College of St. Rose in Albany, NY. She has studied accelerated learning and transformation technologies for more than 30 years. Her doctoral dissertation, 12° Of Freedom: Synergetics and the 12 Steps to Recovery , is considered a ground-breaking work in the field of substance abuse treatment. It includes a comprehensive overview of the model she named Social Synergetics™, offering an innovative, fully integrated model for recovery from addictions.

In 1990, Dr. Clark was awarded the Governor’s Productivity Award for outstanding contributions to State Government. In 1995, the American Correctional Association acknowledged her for her outstanding contributions to corrections, as “Best in the Business”. Dr. Clark is internationally recognized as a leader in her field and an expert in substance abuse treatment. She is the principal author of DOING LIFE! A Life Skills Program for Recovery From Addictions® and SMART Choices: A Guide for Making Choices That Work .

Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 3

Proven Business Agreements

Proven Business Relationship Agreement

6 More Key Questions – Part 3

By DC Cordova

Will this really help you make more money, be happier and have more fulfillment? If you’ve ever been in a relationship before – whether business or personal – you know how to have a good relationship. Very few know how to have a great relationship.

Anthony Robbins, the world-renowned success teacher and Money & You® graduate, says it best. Your success is determined by the quality of the questions you ask. If you’ve read my previous two posts on creating a profitable business agreement (read the first Post here: Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 1 and the second Post here: Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 2), you’ll quickly realize that I outlined a series of questions for you to ask yourself and to ask your potential business partner(s).

Now we’re getting even more detailed and focused on some specifics. I find many people don’t want to deal with these. And I would ask you to take a look and see if you really applied these questions to your relationships in business, would you have more clarity? Would your planning change? What I’ve seen over the last 30 plus years is that what it takes to be an entrepreneur – not just an entrepreneur, but a successful builder of businesses that grow and thrive – is these questions are inherently a part of the way of thinking or planning.

If these posts make you think, GREAT! I’m having an impact on you. Now we’re going to take a look at the next 6 Key Questions you need to ask yourself in creating a success business relationship…

10. Know your partner

___ We have discussed and know if there are…

___ Habits they currently have and have had in the past that we might want to know about.

___ Complaints and “stories” from their past

___ Any bankruptcies and/or negative business dealings?

___ What they learned from those experiences?

___ Which ones were they able to correct?

___ If they blamed another person?

___ Were they able to take responsibility for it?

11. Personal responsibility and integrity

___ We know that personal responsibility and integrity underlies all successful partnerships and organizations. When these two distinctions are equally important to each member, everyone knows they are personally responsible for what is happening in their own lives.

___We agree not to blame and take full responsibility for our part when things don’t go the way “they are supposed to”…

___ We know going into this agreement that when we hear repeated blaming of others or constant justification of self, then we can pretty well predict the future.

12. When Money is Involved – The GREED Factor

___ We understand that a business relationship is similar to a marriage and we both are hoping that all is going to work out great. We know that it can actually get more intense when large amounts of money are made and that it can bring up negative and limiting subconscious beliefs about money, success and prosperity.

___ On the other hand, for some, the more money they make, the more the greed factor comes into play and our styles could change;  if we have blocks to having lots of money we get greedy.

___ To prevent the effects of any of these changes, we have written agreements in place and are constantly in communication with each other, because we know that maintaining alignment is essential.

___ We have met with our Professional Accountant or successful Tax Lawyer who has given us advice as to what to do with future profits.

___ What percentage of it to be reinvested in the business?

___ How much to be saved?

___ How much each of us should be taking out as profit?

___ We have met and decided in advance how the profits will be disbursed in the short and long term.

___ We agree to re-visit this and update it every six months.

13. Making Long Term Decisions

___ We see ourselves working with each other at least five, ten, twenty years from now, but if not, we have put together an “exit” agreement as well as another agreement for the possible sale of the share of the business to the other partner.

14. More than two partners

___ If there are going to be more than two partners, if any one of us is hesitant to do something, we agree to honor that person because we don’t have total alignment.

___ If this doesn’t work we agree to get the advice of a third party we all trust.

15. Personal Decisions

___ We have discussed that if one of the partners decides to get married (or divorced) what will happen with the spouse in terms of the business.

___ If one of us decides to have a child, we have discussed how it is going to affect our participation?

___ We know what each partner is personally committed to and what the business represents for them.

Wow! I actually enjoy writing these because I know this is what works. Now, ask yourself: Do these questions make sense? If I’m going to create a business with another partner, does it make sense to know the answers to these questions? Ask yourself, what if I didn’t know the answers and wasn’t prepared? Could I lose my interest in the business?

So, I’d like to have some of your feedbackWe still have 5 more Keys to creating a Successful Business Agreement – and I’d like to know your thoughts. What has worked for you in business? What has caused upsets?

I look forward to sharing the next and final segment with you. Until then, I challenge you to take these questionnaires, print them out and actually go through the checklists.

And I’d like to give you a gift: Your Personal Entrepreneurial Strategy

With loving thoughts,

DC Cordova

Creative Commons License photo credit: Tracy O

Share Your Success

Share your success

Whether you have created a hugely successful business…  Competed in the Kona Ironman… Created a wonderful relationship that works… Have created a new life with happy, fulfilled children… Taken your talent around the world… Became an educator or motivator… Written the book you knew you had inside you… Followed your heart no matter where it lead you… Are living the life you were meant to live… Are singing your song out loud… They’re the stories we ALL want to hear!

Don’t be SHY! We’d love to help you tell the world how you’re helping to change it or how your world has transformed since your completion of Money & You®.

True PurposePlease send DC Cordova your “share” at info@excellerated.com and your story could be featured here if we feel others would be touched, moved and inspired by hearing it! Or let us know on the blog by leaving your story in the comments section.

I leave you with this from R. Buckminster Fuller:

“You do not have the right to eliminate yourself; you do not belong to you. You belong to the Universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experience to the highest advantage of others.”

 photo credit: nDevilTV

Social Entrepreneur Success

Social Entrepreneur

Twenty years ago Susan Barton was working in an orphanage in Sri Lanka. There, she took to a baby that was severely malnourished and realized that even though it wasn’t her child, she had a responsibility to this baby. Her life would never be the same. At that moment her path to becoming a Social Entrepreneur Success began.

She nursed this child all afternoon and looked into the baby’s eyes all afternoon. Later on that night she found out the baby died of malnutrition. This experience rocked her soul. She says she was “just a naive girl from the suburbs” and she came back to Australia a very different girl. She started fostering every child she could upon her return.

At that time when she began to “save every child in the world” and the more she looked, the more she found. And then she got to attend an entrepreneurship program called Money & You®, held in Australia. While she was at Money & You®, she learned some incredible distinctions. What happened then was a group of business people, who were Money & You® grads, began to form around her project to ensure it would keep running if anything were to happen to Susan.

They created the Lighthouse Foundation (http://www.lighthousefoundation.org.au) and incorporated as a charity. Then they looked at franchising and how to develop structures, procedures and policies, and to actually move forward in training – to leverage her project to save children all across Australia.

To this day, the outreach program has affected over 500 young people.

They are alive today in the world because of the outcomes I learned at Money & You®. I can’t begin to tell you how much Money & You® has meant to not me, but 500 young homeless people in Australia,” says Susan Barton.

Susan is one remarkable woman, steely and gentle all at the same time, her love and compassion for society’s ‘forgotten children’ is as inspiring as it is touching.

Video Interview

In February 2009, Susan sat down with Money & You® Australia Director, Jane Jordan for a two-part interview.

Watch them here:

Part 1

Part 2

Susan Barton

Susan Barton AM, Founder and Executive Director, Lighthouse Foundation

Susan’s Bio:

Susan Barton is a Melbourne woman with a passion for young people. With six children of her own, she has spent the last 20 years providing homes for damaged young people so that healing can take place. She is the founder of Lighthouse Foundation, one of Australia’s finest examples of social entrepreneurship.

Susan began her work 23 years ago. While working in an orphanage in Sri Lanka, a baby died in her arms, changing the direction of her life. On her return to Australia, Susan began fostering children in her own home. In 1991 with great support from the business community, the Lighthouse Foundation was formed to support and expand Susan’s work.

Susan’s vision is to establish Lighthouses across Australia, all offering the unique Lighthouse Model of Care. No one doubts she will do it.

photo credit: Tucker&Swiss

Denis Cooney Shares His Experience


Denis Cooney

Money and You® changed me and all my best friends for the better forever.

Anyone who is anyone in the powerful emerging personal empowerment field got to hear about the famous “Money and You®” program.

Most of the influential people in this new realm are graduates of this pivotal course that changed their thinking and heart forever.

Robert Kiyosaki taught it. All the “Names” of the industry did it!

They became ‘Value Warriors’, and used the techniques learned in Money and You® to change people’s lives around them – for the better!

Get up to speed in your heart and mind: Do the Money and You program .. 3 days to permanent mindset change.

Denis Cooney
Ex M&Y Promoter Australia

Money & You® – First Weekly Podcast

money & you podcast

Money & You® Distinctions…

Money & You® is played in a games environment so you can learn and safely correct. A few of the key distinctions that show up through the 3 ½ day program include:

Win/Win – Most people think they play win win, but in the games you can see your own behaviors

Behaviors are unconscious that push people away. You can see those by playing in several different of the games.

Financial freedom

Being debt free
How to live the life you love

We teach Generalized principles that apply everywhere. Most of them come from our mentor, Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller. One is called Precession: Once you begin to run your life from the precessional results you can create, you’ll start being more aware and running it differently. The game we play is one of our graduates’ favorites and one that most never forget!

DISC – We have a Master in Personality Styles teaching within our team, Carol Dysart (carol@caroldysart.com) and by knowing your own profile, you will learn how to reach resolution with others and how to understand the differences. You can grow a team much faster because you are putting the right people in the right jobs. If you put the wrong personality in the wrong jobs, it will be very hard to make it. Learning whether they can go out and create

Leverage – famous people use these distinctions and the principle of leverage in their business. They came up with an idea and were able to leverage that product. Leverage is like business systems and most people think they already know and understand it. But unless you can take off and go to Hawaii and the business will run without you, you don’t have leverage – and you work too hard!

Emotional Intelligence – the principle of Perturbation. When you fill any system with more than it can handle, the body goes through a process. The body cannot hold feelings, emotions, and mental all in the same space, so it goes through a process of reaching the other side.

Synergy – A term coined by Bucky – when you create something with unpredictable results. You don’t always know when you are going to do it. The result is always unexpected and much more than you thought. When you have an aligned team, this is much easier to create.

These are only a few of the distinctions covered. Please listen and download the documentation about the Business Success Model because that incorporates the distinctions in a way you can use.

We end every M&Y with the spirit of cooperation. Money & You® is not only about making money. It is about learning not only how to make money but to be happy by making a contribution.

We also highlight and share interesting graduate projects and the difference some of our graduates are making in the world. People never forget these distinctions, nor the business friendships made over this intense, fun, and energized weekend.

For further information and to register, go to www.excellerated.com or call 1-619-224-8880.

Money & You® Weekly Podcast:

“Money & You® Distinctions”

Click Here to Download MP3/Audio

(length app. 10:00 minutes)

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