Tag Archive for: Loving Thoughts

Decide To Network


Decide To Network

by DC Cordova

I was reminded of the power of Networking with Intention the other day when I read this poem by the former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations. Global Entrepreneurs know the power of networking. And I know this poem will inspire you to be more powerful in realizing your dreams.

Use every letter you write
Every conversation you have
Every meeting you attend
To express your fundamental beliefs and dreams.
Affirm to others the vision of the world you want
Network through thought
Network through action
Network through the spirit
You are the center of a network
You are the center of the world
You are a free, immensely powerful source of life and goodness.
Affirm it
Spread it
Radiate it.
Think day and night about it
And you will see a miracle happen:
The greatness of your own life
IN a world of big powers, media and monopolies
But of four and a half billion individuals
Networking is the new freedom
The new democracy
A new form of happiness

Robert Muller
Assistant Secretary General
of the United Nations

Isn’t that beautiful? I’d love to read and hear about your fundamental beliefs and dreams. Share!

If you’d like to see more of Robert Muller’s work, go to http://www.robertmuller.org/decide

With loving thoughts,

DC Cordova
CEO, Excellerated Business Schools®/Money & You® Program

Creative Commons License photo credit: piccadillywilson

Gunderson, Author of Killing Sacred Cows, Interviewed on ABC News

New Money Rules to get rich are focused on personal responsibility, not magic bullets, says Garrett Gunderson, best-selling author of Killing Sacred Cows and graduate of the Money & You® Program. ABC News recently interviewed Garrett Gunderson to discuss the new economy and new money rules to create riches. He shares that to create wealth one must invest in alignment with their own personal purpose and knowledge. According to Garrett, if you were to invest in areas where you have little control and little knowledge you are basically gambling.

He goes on to share that Win-Win-Win investing is the only ways to ultimately create wealth that is sustainable long-term. The zero-sum game approach to investing is dead. A few of the principles we teach at Money & You® are here for you to see as Garrett Gunderson is interviewed on ABC News.

Congratulations to you on your success, Garrett!


Click the image to watch Money & You® Graduate Garrett Gunderson on ABC News

Watch Garrett Gunderson, Money & You® Graduate on ABC News

Learn more about Garrett Gunderson at his Web site.

With loving thoughts,

DC Cordova
CEO, Excellerated Business Schools®/Money & You® Program
Online at http://www.excellerated.com