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Visualize a Sustainable Future

Critical Path

Meet Peter Meisen, who shares his “Entrepreneurial Stimulus”

I was fortunate to take the “Money & You” program with Marshall Thurber in 1980, while Buckminster Fuller was still alive and providing the core Generalized Principles of Universe. I heard Bucky speak at a Hunger Project Board meeting in 1983 where he encouraged all of us to read “Critical Path,” which was just published. Bucky died a few months later.

Reading “Critical Path” changed my thinking and my life. Here was someone who committed himself to make the world better for all, and was at the same time humble and compassionate.

Looking for the answer to “what’s next?” I read that book over 3 days and launched into a new journey. At the foundation of Bucky’s work is the World Game simulation, which asks the question:

How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone?

GENI Initiative windmillsThe premier solution? Clean electricity for all, and the strategy was to link the abundant renewable energy resources around the world using high-voltage transmission between all nations.

After 20 years, the GENI Initiative has been embraced on all continents, earned the endorsement of 6 Nobel Peace Laureates, and been featured at the World Energy Conference.

The world is now moving into the green economy, and there are thousands of high-quality jobs being created and funded in the stimulus bills. Yet with all the pronouncements and commitments, wind/solar/geothermal supply just 3% of the global energy market — while the renewable potential could power 100% of our needs! We need an accelerator.

Once again, we looked to the vision of Bucky.

While at Southern Illinois University, he had proposed a more rigorous, high-tech version of the World Game, called the World Resources Simulation Center (WRSC). It never got developed due to some politics at the time, yet it is more needed today than ever before. The world has multiple complex, interconnected issues that demand our attention — so where do we go to grapple with them in an thoughtful, unbiased way?

Last year, we launched a 4 phase process to develop the www.wrsc.org — starting with a Prototype Design Event and gaining 40 partners:  The WRSC will be a place where leaders get educated and gain insight, see trends and future options, so they can make more sustainable choices and act on them quicker — a place to Visualize a Sustainable Future.

We invite your involvement and ideas: as we think that this new tool will support better planning and decision-making at the global, national and regional levels.


Peter Meisen solarPeter Meisen was born in Oceanside, CA and graduated from UCSD Revelle College with a degree in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences. Founded in 1991 by Peter Meisen, the GENI Initiative focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller several decades ago.

Wanting to expand investment into the green energy space, GENI partnered with FTSE/KLD to launch the Global Climate 100 Index to track the leaders in climate solutions. Last year they co-founded the www.EcoInvestorGuide.com to educate and facilitate investment into the green economy.

Peter is married to Ashley Gardner (he got lucky) and they have a ton of fun with the 2 grandchildren

The Global Energy Network Institute (GENI) focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller several decades ago. Linking renewables between all nations will mollify conflicts, grow economies and increase the quality of life and health for all.

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