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Connectedness Is Coming In Vogue

Money and you brings a new conciousness

The world is ready for the work of Consciousness.

As a “Mentor of Nurturing,” and having worked in the Asia Pacific Region for the past couple of decades, I bring back good news… Yes, the world is ready for the Consciousness work that we have had an opportunity to enjoy and teach so readily for the past three decades in North America…

In my work as a Management Consultant for large companies in the Far East – I was happy to receive the title of “Mentor of Nurturing” from some of my clients. This credit comes from all the work we do and the programs our company has offered and pioneered in that part of the world which are unique in the way we teach. The result of our emphasis on connection, building relationships, and the win/win principles that become so obviously attractive through our games, appeals to all cultures, ages, and levels of experience.

All our transformational/entrepreneurial education programsMoney & You, the Excellerated Business Schools for Entrepreneurs and our other related courses – plus many of the courses our graduates go on to teach – create learning environments that encourage and make being “connected” not only appealing – but safe. For many of my clients and our course participants, we provide their first actual experience of safety in sharing which allows them to be able to openly give and really let in positive feedback from others.

I have learned that no matter how profitable a company is, there are always “people challenges.” And the more disconnected they are – the less opportunity they have to create that safe space together at work – the more problems, projections, lack of communication, conflict, upsets, separation and disconnection they experience. Even when they succeed financially because their products and services are in demand, no matter how much money they are making, their daily lives are filled with stress. There is a sense of lack of satisfaction and fulfillment, and they literally experience what some would call “a living hell.”

In our early days of consulting and doing our programs, we were invited to work with mainly entrepreneurial companies whose biggest challenge was mostly around their people systems. We know that all companies have people-challenges, but in the authoritarian/submissive expectations in the Asia culture, they would describe it differently to us – more like “how do we handle a sense of conflict, unruliness, and a desire to challenge authority?

However now, and since so many companies have been impacted, either directly or indirectly from the type of programs they received from us, the word “connectedness” is actually being used. They now ask for support in helping their people to have a greater understanding of each other, to “see” into each others’ minds and hearts, and to not only to create results for their companies, but also to do it while enjoying each other. They are actually beginning to use the word “happy” – and not just happy with bonuses, with incentives, with time off, but happy on a daily basis.

I am brought in at times to do “my thing” – sometimes they even call it my “California thing” (they find that my accent is because I was born in Chile but from 12 years old on I grew up in Southern California.) And once we do the work which has been so familiar to us for so many years to us here in the USA, the results they experience is an amazing shift (to them) in more open communications, more productivity, profitability –and, of course, more connectedness.

Who “woulda’ thought”!

It is very satisfying to be able, from my own proven experiences, to be encouraging any teacher of consciousness to travel the world and share their principles of consciousness that have come so easily for so many years to many of us. And as long as we do it appropriately, it represents our way of being and our home country well.

People who do and teach transformational work are becoming “Ambassadors of New Thinking” which, in Education, is considered “New Education”. They always ask, “What do you mean by ‘New Thinking?” This is the opening to share about your knowledge… your hard-earned way of thinking that truly brings peace to the world. And once people see it can eradicate conflict in people’s daily lives, they then can transfer it to the whole…

We are encouraging people to think of themselves as “new thinking” global citizens – people who speak the language of crossing cultures, religions and beliefs.

I always like to share that one of the most exciting things that happened to me when I first started spending long periods of time in Singapore in the mid-1990’s and had a growing network of interested entrepreneurs, hungry to learn more about American business thinking. So at dinner I would often find myself with people from many religions at once – Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Spiritually-aware businesspeople and professionals. As we talked, they could suddenly see that they all were interested in the same thing – improving their business and relationships. So as a result of coming together at dinner like that, they also started doing business with each other, with complete respect for each other’s backgrounds.

Common goals and respect for differences is truly World Peace at work.

As Lynn Twist, the author of “The Soul of Money” shares, many people are living a “Committed Life.” I realized through the years that this is what many of us have been and are still teaching. So we continue going out to the world – like good old fashion missionaries – spreading the word that anyone can live an awesome life; to be abundant, wealthy, sexy, and conscious all at the same time – and make a difference in this world.

We are bringing in the ultimate gift of our programs, products, and services: Higher Consciousness.

What are you willing to do to really “spread the word”? What I am a bit disturbed is to find that in our so-called “civilized” countries – not only in our own home, the good ol’ USA, but also in countries like Singapore and Malaysia – many people have reached high levels of success and then stopped sharing with others because this is was their biggest goal – to make it big. But something happens when they reach the level of success that they want. At that point some just get greedy, wanting to make more and more money so they can spend, spend, and spend some more, competing with others to get bigger. But then they start looking for “something else” because they feel no satisfaction. They have that yearning to do more – but they don’t know what to do with it. They start having feelings that they are so unfamiliar to them – so while it is not like something the rest of their neighbors, peers, associates, friends and family may be experiencing – that confusion starts setting in.

Here is where our WORK – yours and ours – becomes so valuable and it is so welcome…

The longing of the heart is happening more and more as the world becomes abundant for one segment of the population and so fiercely scarce for so many others.

Even Mother Nature and our world is going through its shift. If you notice, now it is becoming in vogue for the mega-rich to invest in environmental causes (See BusinessWeek August 14, 2006 “Tree Huggers on Wall Street”). The fact is even the richest man in the world and his wife, Bill and Melinda Gates, be retired in 2008 and his goal is to transform the American educational system.

I don’t have to tell you how excited I was to have this couple demonstrating so publicly a similar mission to mine – to transform educational systems around the world in order to eradicate poverty and hunger. They have chosen the American educational system and are starting at home. And even more of a miracle, he attracts another of America’s richest men, Warren Buffett, to donate the bulk of his wealth to this work!

Where does that come from?

It comes from Heart, from Spirit… and when you begin to really touch your heart, you can’t help but realize that all the material goods in the world will not bring you that peace of mind – the satisfaction of that yearning. It is a calling in your heart that has been there all along!

It is time to make public and spread the Consciousness Principles that so many of us have been practicing daily. People want that knowledge; they want that connectedness.

Who knows why it is happening? It was written about years ago in “The Aquarian Conspiracy” and I know some of my Spiritual Teachers tell me that this awareness is coming in very strongly into the world as the collective consciousness evolves. Human beings are beginning to remember their Spiritual roots and Spiritual Responsibility is beginning to set in. It could actually mean true “heaven on earth”.

It couldn’t be happening at a better time in history. So for this great news, we are thankful and proud to be a part of it! And there is still MUCH, MUCH work to do.

The world is actively looking for the tools, the principles, and the Consciousness work so join us – go out there and share your knowledge.

The world is ready for it…!

Please accept a gift from me to assist you in achieving your business results.

DC Cordova,
CEO/Co-founder Excellerated Business Schools/Money & You Program

Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney

Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 1


Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 1

By DC Cordova

In this series of posts, I’m going to share with you what has worked for me in business for the last 30 years. I currently have business agreements with partners in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and the United States. I’ve done business with well-known authors, speakers, artists, producers, film-makers, promoters, government ministries, large and small organizations – you name it. What I tell my clients is if you prepare for your business relationships, your partnerships, like you do marriage, then I can guarantee you a significantly higher success rate. This article contains steps 1 and 2 to creating a successful business relationship. Follow along, put it into practice and enjoy the fruits of clarity.

As all human beings have feelings, opinions, beliefs and emotions that can and do affect us in different ways in the various circumstances that make up our lives, I, _____________________ and I, _____________________ agree that as of this date: _______________________, we have read the chapter in What School Should have Taught You about Money & You and have fully discussed and hereby declare that we have discussed and are now fully aware of the following…

1. Be willing to make your partner happy

___ We have asked and told each other what makes each of us happy in business and personally.

___ We know what we can do to bother them and get the upset.

___ We are willing and committed to hear each other out – repeating the  other’s point of view before expressing our own opinion.

___ We are willing to have things go “their way” at times

___ We will consciously and clearly “agree to agree” or “agree to disagree” when necessary.

___ We will “share” in the way the business is run and agree to how that might look like.

2. Create joint ventures first before creating your business partnership.

___ We will go (or have not gone) into our partnership until we have worked on a few projects under “joint-venture” basis first.

___ We realize that this partnership/business venture is more like a marriage than anything is, and we will get to know each other like we would in a courtship.

___ I am willing to commit to my partner, as well as the business…

___ for a very long time.

___ through thick and through thin

___ to talk together and meet on a regular basis to evaluate how it is going

___ to call in a third party to facilitate when we don’t see eye to eye and cannot resolve a conflict within 45 minutes.

___ to get to know each other first for at least ___ months or ___ years.

___ We will spend plenty of time together before moving on to larger commitments.

___ To see each other working under a variety of situations, both when things are going well and when they aren’t.

___ To see each other when we are under pressure.

___ To spend time traveling together.

___ To get involved in activities together that will allow us to see how my potential partner(s) react under different situations.

___ To interview their old friends and ex-partners.

___ To attend several different types of seminars together, including intensive, long-term personal growth as well as business programs.

___ To learn how best to communicate with each other.

___ To work with a professional team builder and business coach to help us review or develop our business practices.

___ To develop a “language” we can use together.

___ To meet as soon as possible after each project we do together to review it, confirm what worked, list what didn’t work, and commit to the change that each “learning experience” indicated is needed.

___ To correct my systems (or attitudes) and learn from them.

This may sound like a lot to agree on – and if you really read this, you do this in regular relationships before fully committing in a marriage. I encourage you to approach your business partnerships like a marriage because you are legally agreeing to be in partnership. And sometimes dissolving a business can be more destructive and time-consuming than divorce. So be prepared.

And as my old partner used to say, “If someone will cheat in their marriage, what would stop them from cheating in business?”

In my next post I’ll share Steps 3 -9 in Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 2 …from “Get clear on your purpose” to “Who is going to do what?”

With loving thoughts,

DC Cordova

P.S. – Get Your Personal Entrepreneurial Strategy and take your business to the next level!

© Money & You® 2006 – 2009