Tag Archive for: Cnn

There is an Ocean of Abundance No Matter What is Happening in the World

Sunset (with kelp pile and me myself

Nothing can take an economy down faster than the uncertainty and loss of confidence by its people.

After the 9/11 Tragedy, we knew that the Stock Market was going to drop-that many businesses would take a tremendous toll – it didn’t take long for the experts to start predicting a recession and possibly a great financial downturn in the economy. The traditional media thrives on fear.

No questions that there are many businesses that are suffering – we all have been affected by the domino effect – and on the other hand, there are many businesses that are thriving, and doing very well.

This is a good time to remember the “bartender’s philosophy of business”: when things are great, business is great; when things are bad, business is great. There are always opportunities in the darkest hours.

There are many industries and businesses that are making money and thriving: flag manufacturers, printers who see the opportunities, t-shirt manufacturers (some of the most obvious), car rental companies, Amtrak, Greyhound, flower distributors, card manufacturers, television/radio ads and many others – and to speak the unspeakable – war has always been profitable.

CNN reported on Oct. 9 in the Money Line Program that Bio-tech companies, because of the biological warfare fears, now have a huge market growth opportunity, where as before the 9/11, office space in NY was scarce; computers had been sold out. Every single business in that building needed to be recreated somewhere.

There are stories of the large financial institutions who had prepared with an emergency plan and had their offices duplicated in New Jersey and were back to work within 48 hours – and not one client left them. And then there were others who lost their businesses entirely because they had no contingencies for a tragedy such as with WTC, the Pentagon and the plane disasters. There is a great profit to be made now from security. In our own offices, we purchased additional back up materials for our computers, and have looked at security measures – money is being made all over the place.

On October 11, it was reported, again on CNN, that the Markets had returned to the pre-9/11 average, and that the Government had done a great job at stabilizing the economy, and that Unemployment had not gone through the roof.

What you may need, is new “ears” and “eyes” to perceive the opportunities when unexpected events occur. The business of the News is to get you to stay glued to the television, radio, or for you to go to their web site, keep you there as much as possible, and link you to other services and sites-all income generators. To this day, negative news has been the attraction to the masses-many of us, specially publications like The Light Connection are working on changing that paradigm.

Until that day happens , watch your tendency to want to buy into the Mass Consciousness of Negativity. It’s like looking at a deadly accident on the road – not wanting to look but can’t help it.

Money & You Seminar Notebooks

The minute that you buy into the fear, the more that money will make a quick exit from your life. If you buy into the Collective Consciousness of lack and scarcity, you can kiss your prosperity consciousness good-bye.

One of the key components of fear-if not handled properly-is lack of energy. Very few people know how to turn fear into opportunity, so here are a few tips:

Get energetically and physically prepared to handle the “emergency” – emerging out of a challenge. Take vitamins/immune boosters-stress creates disease-take long walks, yoga, exercise, do whatever you need to do to get your body moving and out of inaction, and the mass depression that has been in the air-and move into “action mode”.

• Any time you are having a down-turn in your financial picture, do a quick plan to recreate finances needed. Do a Budget to take you out of “mental panic.” Look at all the sources of money in your world; sell things, trade services, save, tithe, go into income-generating activities.

Think laterally. Brainstorm with close friends and associates, and move into the mindset of a true entrepreneur-move into the mindset of a millionaire-and a person who is used to reaching the financial goals they set for themselves.

Read publications like The Dynamics Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder. No matter what spiritual path you follow, allow for the over-religious overtone to just be part of it and focus on the essence of those affirmations. Personally that book took me through a very rough financial patch; it supported me daily in remembering that true Prosperity Consciousness comes from within and trust in God.

Read the financial news, both in writing and through radio or TV to see the opportunities. Learn to “see” as you never have before, and you look for the opportunities available to make money.

• Balance between the Spiritual and the Physical. Intend, affirm, and take action.

Get support. Join a Mastermind Group, do this not only on-line but physically. Yes, you can get a lot of support through the Net, but there is nothing like the human touch and love and connection of other people. If you can feel yourself being supported by others, you will begin to accept the “invisible” support of the Universe and God.

Do programs to expand your consciousness and to support you in clearing blocks to having what you want in life. If the funds are not there, pick up a great book at the library, or read your old notes from past programs that you may have attended.

Move yourself into action. Move yourself into money-consciousness. Believe in miracles around money. Don’t exclude money because of old beliefs. This mindset will give you the energy to move forward and handle any financial challenges. To focus on handling money is like handling a physical disease, and it takes time, focus, attention and purpose.

If you don’t have what you want financially, trust the Laws of Prosperity, and know that possibly deep inside you may have blocks to feeling worthy, or negative conditioning that money is not spiritual, or people who have it have gotten it at the expense of others, or some other “garden variety” negative thought about money.

Lastly, remember: it is always a good time to make money. The opportunities are there.

DC Cordova

Creative Commons License photo credit: mikebaird

Tips On Global Entrepreneurship

Global entrepreneur

By DC Cordova, CEO and Co-Founder Excellerated Business Schools for Entrepreneurs

The following tips will be important information if you want to grow and expand your business, especially if you want to bring your business overseas.

These are Key Distinctions I learned from traveling and teaching overseas for over 20 years and bringing my San Diego-based business in NZ, AU, HK, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Brunai, and Eurpose.

The world is becoming one in many ways, but it is still very separate in that people do not understand the different cultures and nationalities and religions that are represented in all the countries they may be interested in.

My mission is “Uplifting Humanity’s Conscientious Through Business” so this purpose takes me into all areas of the world.

I have seen business meetings where people of multiple cultures were doing business and interacting with total understanding and respect. This is what will be necessary for everyone to do business globally.


Become aware of the world of Entrepreneurship

Read global magazines

Watch global TV coverage – CNN International and BCC carry global news

In America the news is very one-sided and people don’t get a realistic picture of what the countries overall are like if they depend on what is reported here and overseas about us. It is the same for Muslim, Chinese, other nationalities and religions. Media creates a very skewed perspective

Travel – You have to actually travel to the countries of interest to you to get the real picture.

Go to our Web site at www.excellerated.com to see where our programs are held. Once you have done Money & You and BSE, you can travel to every city we are in and be connected immediately with other graduates. Even if they are teaching the program in Chinese. someone always speaks English. BSE Graduates can sit in the back of the room or re-do the school, which bonds the students throughout the activities of the program. Once you connect with people from the other countries, your perspective begins to shift.

You need to be there, to connect and to hear different points of views and to see what niche’s can be created there. Then you will find opportunities overseas that you never have seen in your own hometown. If your business is flat or you can’t quite get it going to meet your vision, try going overseas and see the opportunities there. You meet people in the airports, and airport lounges who can be very helpful to you and you can learn from them as you go also

Telephone Pre-fixes show you are a Global Businessperson: +1 is the US code, 65 is the Singapore, 60 is Malaysia. This indicates which country you are from.

Business cards show you are doing business globally, especially if you can get a mobile phone number in other countries.

Use the word MOBILE on your card – not Cell or Handphone. MOBILE is a word understood everywhere.

How you hand your business card: While in the US, we hand over our cards very casually, whereas, in Asia, they hand over the card, like it is a special gift you are giving to the person. Both people look carefully at the card and talk about it which gives you a connection and immediate rapport with the person through forming a common ground of known information.

Dress: Women should dress like the other women in that country. They are often flattered when you wear their type of clothing and costumes. Men should not wear short sleeve shirts in most cultures. Get tips on how to dress in the country you are going to via articles on the Internet. There is also a lot of great information in the internet about doing business in every different country. GOOGLE “Doing Business in ____”

Think about what you would like to do with your business to create it as a global business. Start expanding your vision to becoming a global entrepreneur. People do not go to war with people they are doing business with. And you gain confidence by being a Global Citizen, for should anything happen in the geographical area you are from, you know you can live and flourish your business anywhere.

For further information about the Global Opportunities for participating in programs by Excellerated Business Schools and Money & You in other countries, visit the Web site at www.excellerated.com.