We celebrate this HISTORICAL MOMENT in history of Money & You since 1979… For the very first time we connected spiritually and virtually with the top English Excellerated Leaders and Money & You Graduates worldwide on the FIRST MONEY & YOU CARE CALL.
March 19, 2020 would have been the first day of Money & You held in three countries concurrently (USA, Australia, Malaysia).
Who would have known that one virus would have had such a massive global impact?
The Sunday of Money & You was when we had planned to connect virtually while Money & You was happening in three countries. As leaders we’ve had to make tough choices in response to the global pandemic and decided to postpone six Money & You Programs (English, Japanese and Chinese) in February and March alone…
It began with a thought by Jacy Wee of Globe Success Learning in Malaysia and Douglas Ng of Strength Quotient Institute in Singapore…
“What if the Lead Money & You Instructors could still connect virtually on the Sunday of Money & You at the same time with the graduates worldwide?”
We only had 48 hours to create a MIRACLE… and with that DECISION made, the universe conspired to make it happen!
Here’s the recording of the first ever Online event includes the leading Money & You Instructors and the CEO/Owner of the program, Doria (DC) Cordova speaking.
We encourage you to listen carefully to the information shared by the speakers, the global promoting partners and other participants in the call.
You will find some great resources, information and ways to keep you going through this “2020 Health Paradigm Shift”.
If you had joined us on the First Money & You Care Call, or if this is this the first time you are listening to this recording which focuses on “How to get through tough times in the area of Business, Emotional Well-Being and Wealth?”… we now have the opportunity to RETHINK, RESET, REINVENT ourselves and our future. This calls for a new level of Leadership in times of uncertainty, of change, of disruption…
If not us, then who?
If not now, then when?
If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on How I Am and What I Do… HOW WOULD I BE? WHAT WOULD I DO?
We need to…
… RETHINK the way we LIVE and how we show up especially in moments of breakdown
… RESET as we will walk into a new world
… REINVENT to create the Brightness of Future together
For you who may be facing tough times, and may have thoughts of giving up, giving in… before then, give yourself another chance to give it all you’ve got. You are not alone. We are more connected spiritually than ever before and we will get through this together through spontaneous cooperation.
If this call has inspired you, please share the insights you got, or how you applied/are applying it… let the positivity RIPPLE out creating WAVES of higher vibration uplifting humanity’s consciousness. Just one request, please include these hashtags when you post on social media:
The Money & You Care Calls is a REACH OUT and COMMUNITY SUPPORT initiative, which includes caring for orphanages and other community projects –– thus, we would appreciate for you to make a US$ 20 contribution…
Your contribution also helps to cover the cost of using this platform and technical support which makes it possible for future Care Calls to be available for FREE to continue this Reach Out and continue with our Community Support Initiatives.
Heartfelt appreciation to graduates who also contributed to the GIFT IT FORWARD project with the intention to support the community who may be struggling right now to make ends meet and be able to attend this event through the “Suspended Seats” process that we put in place. If you wish to be the cause of more MIRACLES in someone’s life, you can contribute to Suspended Seats.
Inspired by the Gift It Forward movement of Suspended Meals… When you pay in advance for a meal for someone who cannot afford to buy a meal for themselves. It’s “suspended” until someone takes it up.
> https://www.moneyandyou.com.my/gift-it-forward
We thank YOU, Money & You graduates, for your participation in all the Money & You programs around the world since 1979! Thank YOU for all the good that you have done in the world…
This time on the planet is calling for us to focus on the generalized principles taught in the Money & You (and other Excellerated) programs – and to keep us focused on the fact that the Precessional effects that will come out of this pandemic, may be one of the greatest gift that the world has seen… We know that the world is experiencing spontaneous cooperation to support each other… let’s keep doing the good work.
There will be additional Care Calls that are designed to support different areas of your life as you navigate the next weeks and months… let us know if you wish to be kept informed!
Stay clear, stay healthy, stay focused – this is a grand opportunity for you to create (or re-launch) your economic engine in a way that you may never have had before – and to have access to the support that is offered by the Money & You Network.
Any support / any questions, feel free to contact:
Malaysia: jacylyn@globesl.com
Singapore: douglas.ng@StrengthsQuotient.com
Australia / New Zealand: support@moneyandyouaustralia.com.au
Japan: kuwayama@moneyandyou.club
Chinese Programs: jason@training.com.my
USA / Global: admin@moneyandyou.com
Stay healthy, peaceful, productive, prosperous and giving a hand to those who need it – thank YOU!
The Global Money & You Team
Dear Gift It Forward Friend:
Thank YOU for requesting the First Money & You Care Call and Bonuses.
Here are the Bonuses:
1) Access to Cash – Recovery Magical Exercises Webinar with Doria (DC) Cordova – on Friday April 3, 2020 – 5 pm California, USA – 8 am Malaysia – 10 am Brisbane, Australia:
2) Paradigm Shift Video Conversation – Doria (DC) Cordova:
3) How to Thrive During This Paradigm Shift – Maria Simone – Co-CEO – Co-Founder of Zen Moose Capital:
4) Dr. Cherie Clark, PhD’s Gift.Chapter 5 – DOINGLIFE 12 Degrees of Freedom:
Click here for further information on Dr. Clark’s work.