Waves Of Change

The wave of changes ahead

A second article from John Maudlin that we’d like to share..

The Millennium Wave

By: John Mauldin

Let’s look at some changes we are likely to see over the next few decades. My view is that we have a number of waves of change getting ready to erupt on the world stage. The combination of them is what I call the Millennium Wave, the most significant period of change in human history. And one for which most of us are not yet ready.

Some time next year, we are going to see the three-billionth person get access to the telecosm (phones and internet, etc.). By 2015 it will be five billion people. Within ten years, most of the world will be able to access cheap (I mean really cheap) high-speed wireless broadband at connection rates that dwarf what we now have.

That is going to unleash a wave of creativity and new business that will be staggering. That heretofore hidden genius in Mumbai or Vladivostok or Kisangani will now have the ability to bring his ideas, talent, and energy to change the world in ways we can hardly imagine. When Isaac Watts was inventing the steam engine, there were a handful of engineers who could work with him. Now we throw a staggering number of scientists and engineers at trivial problems, let alone the really big ones.

And because of the internet, the advances of one person soon become known and built upon in a giant dance of collaboration. It is because of this giant dance, this unplanned group effort, that we will all figure out how to make advances in so many ways. (Of course, that is hugely disruptive to businesses that don’t adapt.)

Ever-faster change is what is happening in medicine. None of us in 2030 will want to go back to 2010, which will then seem as barbaric and antiquated as, say, 1975. Within a few years, it will be hard to keep up with the number of human trials of gene therapy and stem cell research. Sadly for the US, most of the tests will be done outside of our borders, but we will still benefit from the results.

I spend some spare study time on stem cell research. It fascinates me. We are now very close to being able to start with your skin cells and grow you a new liver (or whatever). Muscular dystrophy? There are reasons to be very encouraged.

Alzheimer’s disease requires somewhere between 5-7% of total US health-care costs. Defeat that and a large part of our health-care budget is fixed. And it will be first stopped and then cured. Same thing with cancers and all sorts of inflammatory diseases. There is reason to think a company may have found a generic cure for the common flu virus.

A whole new industry is getting ready to be born. And with it new jobs and investment opportunities.

Energy problems? Are we running out of oil? My bet is that in less than 20 years we won’t care. We will be driving electric cars that are far superior to what we have today in every way, from power sources that are not oil-based.

For whatever reason, I seem to run into people who are working on new forms of energy. They are literally working in their garages on novel new ways to produce electric power; and my venture-capital MIT PhD friend says they are for real when I introduce them. And if I know of a handful, there are undoubtably thousands of such people. Not to mention well-funded corporations and startups looking to be the next new thing. Will one or more make it? My bet is that more than one will. We will find ourselves with whole new industries as we rebuild our power grids, not to mention what this will mean for the emerging markets.

What about nanotech? Robotics? Artificial intelligence? Virtual reality? There are whole new industries that are waiting to be born. In 1980 there were few who saw the rise of personal computers, and even fewer who envisioned the internet. Mapping the human genome? Which we can now do for an individual for a few thousand dollars? There are hundreds of new businesses that couldn’t even exist just 20 years ago.

I am not sure where the new jobs will come from, but they will. Just as they did in 1975.

There is, however, one more reason I am optimistic. Sitting around the dinner table, I looked at my kids. I have seven kids, five of whom are adopted. I have two Korean twins, two black kids, a blond, a (sometimes) brunette, and a redhead. They range in age from 15 to 32. It is a rather unique family. My oldest black son is married to a white girl and my middle white son is with a black girl. They both have given me grandsons this year (shades of Obama!). One of my Korean daughters is married to a white young man, and the other is dating an Hispanic. And the oldest (Tiffani) is due with my first granddaughter in less than a month.

And the interesting thing? None of them think any of that is unusual. They accept it as normal. And when I am with their friends, they also see the world in a far different manner than my generation. (That is not to say the trash talk cannot get rather rough at the Mauldin household at times.)

I find great cause for optimism in that. I am not saying we are in a post-racial world. We are not. Every white man in America should have a black son. It would open your eyes to a world we do not normally see. But it is better, far better, than the world I grew up in. And it is getting still better.

My boys play online video games with kids from all over the world. And the kids from around the world get on the internet and see a much wider world than just their local neighborhoods.

Twenty years ago China was seen as a huge military threat. Now we are worried about them not buying our bonds and becoming an economic power. Niall Ferguson writes about “Chimerica” as two countries joined together in an increasingly tight bond. In 20 years, will Iran be our new best friend? I think it might be, and in much less time than that, as an increasingly young and frustrated population demands change, just as they did 30 years ago. Will it be a smooth transition? Highly unlikely. But it will happen, I think.

I look at my kids and their friends. Are they struggling? Sure. They can’t get enough hours, enough salaries, the jobs they want. They now have kids and mortgages. And dreams. Lots of dreams. That is cause for great optimism. It is when the dreams die that it is time to turn pessimistic.

I believe the world of my kids is going to be a far better world in 20 years. Will China and the emerging world be relatively better off? Probably, but who cares? Do I really begrudge the fact that someone is making their part of the world better? In absolute terms, none of my kids will want to come back to 2009, and neither will I. Most of the doom and gloom types (and they seem to be legion) project a straight-line linear future. They see no progress beyond that in their own small worlds. If you go back to 1975 and assume a linear future, the projections were not all that good. Today you can easily come up with a less-than-rosy future if you make the assumption that things in 20 years will roughly look the same as now. But that also assumes there will not be even more billions of people who now have the opportunity to dream up their own psychic income and work to make it happen.

We live in a world of accelerating change. Things are changing at an ever-increasing pace. The world is not linear, it is curved. And we may be at the beginning of the elbow of that curve. If you assume a linear world, you are going to make less-than-optimal choices about your future, whether it is in your job or investments or life in general.

In the end, life is what you make of it. With all our struggles, as we sat around the table, our family was content, just like 100 million families around the country. Are there those who are in dire distress? Homeless? Sick? Of course, and that is tragic for each of them. And those of us who are fortunate need to help those who are not.

We live in the most exciting times in human history. We are on the verge of remarkable changes in so many areas of our world. Yes, some of them are not going to be fun. I see the problems probably more clearly than most.

But am I going to just stop and say, “What’s the use? The Fed is going to make a mess of things. The government is going to run us into debts to big too deal with? We are all getting older, and the stock market is going to crash?”

Even the most diehard bear among us is thinking of ways to improve his personal lot, even if it is only to buy more gold and guns. We all think we can figure it out or at least try to do so. Some of us will get it right and others sadly will not. But it is the collective individual struggles for our own versions of psychic income, the dance of massive collaboration on a scale the world has never witnessed, that will make our world a better place in the next 20 years.

All that being said, while I am an optimist, I am a cautious and hopefully realistic optimist. I do not think the stock market compounds at 10% a year from today’s valuations. I rather doubt the Fed will figure the exact and perfect path in removing its quantitative easing. I doubt we will pursue a path of rational fiscal discipline in 2010 or sadly even by 2012, although I pray we do. I expect my taxes to be much higher in a few years.

But thankfully, I am not limited to only investing in the broad stock market. I have choices. I can be patient and wait for valuations to come my way. I can look for new opportunities. I can plan to make the tax burden as efficient as possible, and try and insulate myself from the volatility that is almost surely in our future – and maybe even figure out a way to prosper from it.

A pessimist never gets in the game. A wild-eyed optimist will suffer the slings and arrows of boom and inevitable bust. Cautious optimism is the correct and most rewarding path. And that, I hope, is what you see when you read my weekly thoughts.

You can read more of John’s article here.

John Mauldin is a multiple NYT Best Selling author and recognized financial expert. He has been heard on CNBC, Bloomberg and many radio shows across the country. He is the editor of the highly acclaimed, free weekly economic and investment e-letter that goes to over 1 million subscribers each week. You can sign up here.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Scott_J_

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Connectedness Is Coming In Vogue

Money and you brings a new conciousness

The world is ready for the work of Consciousness.

As a “Mentor of Nurturing,” and having worked in the Asia Pacific Region for the past couple of decades, I bring back good news… Yes, the world is ready for the Consciousness work that we have had an opportunity to enjoy and teach so readily for the past three decades in North America…

In my work as a Management Consultant for large companies in the Far East – I was happy to receive the title of “Mentor of Nurturing” from some of my clients. This credit comes from all the work we do and the programs our company has offered and pioneered in that part of the world which are unique in the way we teach. The result of our emphasis on connection, building relationships, and the win/win principles that become so obviously attractive through our games, appeals to all cultures, ages, and levels of experience.

All our transformational/entrepreneurial education programsMoney & You, the Excellerated Business Schools for Entrepreneurs and our other related courses – plus many of the courses our graduates go on to teach – create learning environments that encourage and make being “connected” not only appealing – but safe. For many of my clients and our course participants, we provide their first actual experience of safety in sharing which allows them to be able to openly give and really let in positive feedback from others.

I have learned that no matter how profitable a company is, there are always “people challenges.” And the more disconnected they are – the less opportunity they have to create that safe space together at work – the more problems, projections, lack of communication, conflict, upsets, separation and disconnection they experience. Even when they succeed financially because their products and services are in demand, no matter how much money they are making, their daily lives are filled with stress. There is a sense of lack of satisfaction and fulfillment, and they literally experience what some would call “a living hell.”

In our early days of consulting and doing our programs, we were invited to work with mainly entrepreneurial companies whose biggest challenge was mostly around their people systems. We know that all companies have people-challenges, but in the authoritarian/submissive expectations in the Asia culture, they would describe it differently to us – more like “how do we handle a sense of conflict, unruliness, and a desire to challenge authority?

However now, and since so many companies have been impacted, either directly or indirectly from the type of programs they received from us, the word “connectedness” is actually being used. They now ask for support in helping their people to have a greater understanding of each other, to “see” into each others’ minds and hearts, and to not only to create results for their companies, but also to do it while enjoying each other. They are actually beginning to use the word “happy” – and not just happy with bonuses, with incentives, with time off, but happy on a daily basis.

I am brought in at times to do “my thing” – sometimes they even call it my “California thing” (they find that my accent is because I was born in Chile but from 12 years old on I grew up in Southern California.) And once we do the work which has been so familiar to us for so many years to us here in the USA, the results they experience is an amazing shift (to them) in more open communications, more productivity, profitability –and, of course, more connectedness.

Who “woulda’ thought”!

It is very satisfying to be able, from my own proven experiences, to be encouraging any teacher of consciousness to travel the world and share their principles of consciousness that have come so easily for so many years to many of us. And as long as we do it appropriately, it represents our way of being and our home country well.

People who do and teach transformational work are becoming “Ambassadors of New Thinking” which, in Education, is considered “New Education”. They always ask, “What do you mean by ‘New Thinking?” This is the opening to share about your knowledge… your hard-earned way of thinking that truly brings peace to the world. And once people see it can eradicate conflict in people’s daily lives, they then can transfer it to the whole…

We are encouraging people to think of themselves as “new thinking” global citizens – people who speak the language of crossing cultures, religions and beliefs.

I always like to share that one of the most exciting things that happened to me when I first started spending long periods of time in Singapore in the mid-1990’s and had a growing network of interested entrepreneurs, hungry to learn more about American business thinking. So at dinner I would often find myself with people from many religions at once – Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Spiritually-aware businesspeople and professionals. As we talked, they could suddenly see that they all were interested in the same thing – improving their business and relationships. So as a result of coming together at dinner like that, they also started doing business with each other, with complete respect for each other’s backgrounds.

Common goals and respect for differences is truly World Peace at work.

As Lynn Twist, the author of “The Soul of Money” shares, many people are living a “Committed Life.” I realized through the years that this is what many of us have been and are still teaching. So we continue going out to the world – like good old fashion missionaries – spreading the word that anyone can live an awesome life; to be abundant, wealthy, sexy, and conscious all at the same time – and make a difference in this world.

We are bringing in the ultimate gift of our programs, products, and services: Higher Consciousness.

What are you willing to do to really “spread the word”? What I am a bit disturbed is to find that in our so-called “civilized” countries – not only in our own home, the good ol’ USA, but also in countries like Singapore and Malaysia – many people have reached high levels of success and then stopped sharing with others because this is was their biggest goal – to make it big. But something happens when they reach the level of success that they want. At that point some just get greedy, wanting to make more and more money so they can spend, spend, and spend some more, competing with others to get bigger. But then they start looking for “something else” because they feel no satisfaction. They have that yearning to do more – but they don’t know what to do with it. They start having feelings that they are so unfamiliar to them – so while it is not like something the rest of their neighbors, peers, associates, friends and family may be experiencing – that confusion starts setting in.

Here is where our WORK – yours and ours – becomes so valuable and it is so welcome…

The longing of the heart is happening more and more as the world becomes abundant for one segment of the population and so fiercely scarce for so many others.

Even Mother Nature and our world is going through its shift. If you notice, now it is becoming in vogue for the mega-rich to invest in environmental causes (See BusinessWeek August 14, 2006 “Tree Huggers on Wall Street”). The fact is even the richest man in the world and his wife, Bill and Melinda Gates, be retired in 2008 and his goal is to transform the American educational system.

I don’t have to tell you how excited I was to have this couple demonstrating so publicly a similar mission to mine – to transform educational systems around the world in order to eradicate poverty and hunger. They have chosen the American educational system and are starting at home. And even more of a miracle, he attracts another of America’s richest men, Warren Buffett, to donate the bulk of his wealth to this work!

Where does that come from?

It comes from Heart, from Spirit… and when you begin to really touch your heart, you can’t help but realize that all the material goods in the world will not bring you that peace of mind – the satisfaction of that yearning. It is a calling in your heart that has been there all along!

It is time to make public and spread the Consciousness Principles that so many of us have been practicing daily. People want that knowledge; they want that connectedness.

Who knows why it is happening? It was written about years ago in “The Aquarian Conspiracy” and I know some of my Spiritual Teachers tell me that this awareness is coming in very strongly into the world as the collective consciousness evolves. Human beings are beginning to remember their Spiritual roots and Spiritual Responsibility is beginning to set in. It could actually mean true “heaven on earth”.

It couldn’t be happening at a better time in history. So for this great news, we are thankful and proud to be a part of it! And there is still MUCH, MUCH work to do.

The world is actively looking for the tools, the principles, and the Consciousness work so join us – go out there and share your knowledge.

The world is ready for it…!

Please accept a gift from me to assist you in achieving your business results.

DC Cordova,
CEO/Co-founder Excellerated Business Schools/Money & You Program

Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney

Money & You In Asia

Money and You Asia - ERS Group

Chinese Excellerated Programs – Your Gateway to Asia!

One of the biggest benefits of attending a Money & You® – or any other Excellerated Program – is that you are automatically a part of a worldwide Network of successful Entrepreneurs and you can re-attend the program as many times as you like, any where in the world, in any language – for FREE!

Many graduates are stunned, surprised and amazed to discover the powerful Chinese Money & You® graduate network which spans the Asia Pacific Region – from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong to Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, and many other countries as well.

The business opportunities are only limited by your imagination.

In 1998, Willson Lin, the co-founder of Doers Group of Companies attended Money & You® and loved it. He is from Taiwan with offices throughout the Asia Pacific region. His experience of the program not only transformed the way he did business, but inspired him to take this powerful, transformational entrepreneurial program into the Chinese world. He is now a key player in introducing Buckminster Fuller and the win/win principles taught in Excellerated Programs into the exploding Chinese presence in the business world, thus supporting greater harmony and understanding between the Chinese and Western cultures.

In May of 2005, we celebrated the 100th Chinese Money & You® – a milestone and an absolute tremendous achievement by the whole Doers Group team. This wondrous event is one that has opened the door to a global future presence for all Excellerated Graduates. And also, as a result, the Excellerated Business Schools® for entrepreneurs is now presented (sometimes twice) each year – in Chinese!

The Doers Group supports and is aligned to the purpose and mission of Excellerated Business Schools®. Together the two organizations are educators who have philanthropic notions. They are devoted to helping other people, children, and families especially through charitable assistance. They have contributed to orphanages and have even funded ‘Money & You®’ Schools for whole villages in the heart of China.

To appreciate the scope of the work Willson and his team have undertaken, here is the list of countries and cities in which the Excellerated Programs have been conducted in Chinese:

  • Taipei, Taiwan
  • Taichung, Taiwan
  • Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • Singapore
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Hong Kong
  • Shanghai, China
  • Beijing, China
  • Shenzhen, China
  • Hangzhou, China
  • Zhenzhou, China
  • Ningpo, China
  • Shi Jia Zhuan, China
  • Nanning, China
  • Yiantai, China
  • Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  • Kuching, Malaysia
  • Muar, Malaysia
  • Penang, Malaysia
  • Miri, Malaysia
  • Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
  • Darussalam, Brunei

You are welcome to log on to the Chinese Web site.

Profiles of Chinese Team:

There are dozens of team members in the different Doers offices that support the on-going astronomical growth. Here are the Principals of Doers and some of the Team Members:

Dr. Willson Lin

  • President of Doers Group
  • Promoter and Leading Instructor of Chinese Excellerated Programs in the Asia Pacific Region
  • President of Doers Knowledge Management Group
  • Editor-in-Chief of ChengGong Publications
  • General Manager of Mandal Action Power Training
  • Certified trainer of ChengGong Consulting

Willson is well-known in the training field in the great Asia Pacific Region. He has been delivering trainings in Taiwan, throughout China, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Brunei. With 16 international training licenses and certificates, Willson not only has the inter-personal skills to facilitate the learning process, but also has the humor, passion, and ability to motivate learners to develop themselves. The trainings Willson currently delivers, are centered around Money & You®, Sales and Negotiation, General Management, Behavior Management, Time Management, Direct Selling, Training for Trainers, Hypnotherapies and Personal Development.

With his well-deserved reputation, Willson became the only Chinese Instructor for the worldwide prestigious program, Money & You®. A brilliant, engaging, and entertaining presenter and speaker, he mesmerizes the audience to want to learn more. The great achievements of Willson also extends to his personal involvement with several non-profit organizations for children, adults, and elderly people. Owing to Willson’s hard work and commitment to learning, he is both a thinker with wisdom and a doer with passion.

Robert Kuo

  • Vice President Doers Group
  • Co-Promoter of Chinese Excellerated Programs Asia Pacific Region
  • Chief Editor of Training Magazine (Chinese Edition)
  • General Manager of Buoguan Consulting
  • Certified trainer for Behavioral Learning.

Robert’s training is centered upon the concepts of reflective learning and creativity, with great sense of humor to enhance the learning process. Having been in the training industry for more than 15 years, his training events are well received by many international companies such as Acer, Asus, TSMC, Microsoft Taiwan, 3M, Seven/Eleven, ING Bank, etc.

In addition to training, Robert also devotes himself to writing. He has so far published 18 books and several series of articles in diverse ranges of newspapers and magazines. Moreover, he also spends his spare time practicing stage performance in the theater. He is not only the trainer with great passion, but also a writer and a philosopher with the great wisdom.

His main training courses include:

  • Behavior Learning
  • Creativity
  • DISC
  • Personal Development and Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management
  • Team Building and Development
  • Finance Management
  • Learning How to Learn

Dianne Butler

  • Worldwide Program Director Leader for the Excellerated Business Schools® for entrepreneurs and the Money & You Programs
  • Systems
  • Managing Partner of Law Firm, Perth, Australia

Dianne’s forte is in systems, working with the Excellerated team as they expand their programs throughout the Asia Pacific Region and the world. She has maintained and advanced to excellence all Excellerated Production Manuals, which ensure the success of all programs by documenting step-by-step every action to produce excellent results every time, anywhere in the world, in any language.

Di has been responsible for the continued success of Excellerated Programs in the Chinese language through her documentation and training of the Program Directors in a different culture. Her professional background includes having worked as a Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Department in Canberra, Australia. She has a teaching degree and Bachelor of Education, she has run Conflict Resolution Seminars; and has successfully raised a family while building her professions and businesses. She is also a Managing Partner in a Perth law firm with her husband, John Butler, a great advisor and supporter of the Excellerated organization.

Jason Zeck Lee

  • Chinese Excellerated Programs Malaysia Promoter
  • Chinese Money & You® Program Director
  • Entrepreneur
  • Trainer/Consultant

The first Chinese Money & You® Program Director for Excellerated Business Schools®, Jason brings an immeasurable list of skills that serve him well as a creative individual, trainer, and coach. Jason has held positions as a journalist, columnist, reporter, writer and speaker. Currently, he is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Creative Group and is a corporate coach/trainer for Creative Knowledge Management Sdn Bhd and the Creating Training Network.

In addition, he holds the position of director of Creative Academy. A successful corporate coach and trainer, he has been involved in Corporate Training since 1998 in the Asia Pacific Region such as Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other parts of China, Singapore, and Brunei. Under the tutelage of Roger Dawson, the famous US Premier Business Negotiator, he is a certified Instructor for ‘secrets of Power Negotiating.’

Adelene Bek

  • Entrepreneur
  • Money & You® Program Director

Adelene has been involved with Money & You logistics since 1998. Through her working in a voluntary position and participating on staff with several Excellerated programs, she was invited to train to be a Money & You Program Director. She possessed the essence of a leader and has been one of its most dependable, responsible and organized Program Directors.

As a graduate of Visual Arts Management, Adelene has always shown passion in many forms of arts. She is a very creative individual and artist. In addition to being artistic and creative she is also highly organized. These qualities and assets combined relay into her leadership role within the programs and in her business.

Her forte is in art exhibition management. She was an art therapist with a non-profit organization for mentally challenged clients. In addition, she was a gallery manager and assistant curator in a private art gallery in Singapore. She currently runs a retail outlet selling oriental / ethnic craft items and fashion apparels in Canada.

Buckminster Fuller – The Library

Bucky wrote over 35 books, received over 50 honorary doctorate degrees from universities internationally, more than 150 university fellowships, invented and patented over 110 inventions, is the most built architect in the world, and traveled internationally extensively as guest of state and invited lecturer.

Suze Orman’s Top 10 Money Tips for Women


Image via Wikipedia

Suze Orman‘s Top 10 Money Tips for Women

by CNBC Staff
Thursday, October 29, 2009

When it comes to women and finance, sometimes there’s a disconnect between what women know and how they act, their ability as achiever and their financial underachieving, and between the power they have within reach and the powerlessness that rules their actions.

Financial expert Suze Orman gives her list of the top 10 money tips for women to follow:

1. Listen to Your Gut

Women are compassionate toward those in need. Instead of going with their gut, they sometimes overlook the obvious and make an emotional money mistake. “A friend, relative, loved one will approach you saying, ‘I need to borrow $5,000.’ You’ll think ‘I don’t want to’ and yet you say ‘OK,'” Suze explains. So, think twice before you say yes if your gut is saying no.

2. NEVER Co-Sign for ANYONE

If a friend or family member asks for you to co-sign on a loan, it’s probably best to say no. Suze says more often than not, the borrower will default or pay late and you risk losing money or lowering your credit score because as the co-signer, you are ultimately responsible for the loan. Say no out of love, not out of fear.

3. Save Yourself First

If you don’t have enough to save for your child’s college fund and your retirement, your retirement takes precedence.

As explained in Suze’s book “Women & Money,” women think they are actually helping their children by paying for their college or wedding. It’s a myth. You help your children by saving yourself first. If you retire without ample money to support yourself, you will become a financial burden to your children. There are plenty of loans for college, but there are no loans for retirement.

4. Don’t Hand Over Finances to Your Husband or Partner

Suze says women often hand over their family financial matters to their partner because they are either scared, lazy or following an old-fashioned role.

Being in control of your financial destiny requires that you be an active participant — not just by paying bills, but in overseeing your investments, too. Suze: “Take this step and I think you will be surprised how this helps your relationship.”

5. Don’t Put Yourself on Sale

Don’t treat yourself like you’re on sale. If you’re reluctant to put a real value on what you do, then it diminishes who you are. As Suze explains, women tend to devalue what they do.

This creates a vicious cycle: “When you devalue what you do, it becomes inevitable that you — and those around you — devalue who you are.” Women will settle for less. They may offer discounted prices on their services or accept a smaller raise, even when the company is doing well. They have to ask for what they know is “right.”

6. Protect Your Assets: Get a Pre-Nuptial Agreement

The basic rule is that you are jointly entitled to assets accrued during a marriage and you are on the hook for debts accrued during the marriage. Anything you bring into the marriage is not automatically shared. Protect your assets.

7. No Blame, No Shame

Two of the heaviest weights women carry (invisible twin obstacles of the past) are the burden of shame and the tendency to blame. Suze explains: “If you don’t feel confident in your knowledge of how money works, you hide behind the shame of it, deferring decisions to others or staying stuck in a pattern of inaction. You blame society, your parents, your husband/partner or all of the above. Blame renders you powerless and shame only serves to hold you back.” You have to go and find out about personal finance for yourself.

8. Take Care of Your Money

Women nurture people and things that are important to them. So take care of your money the way you do your husband/partner, family, friends, pets, plants and clothes. Cherish money like all of the other irreplaceable items in your life. Find wise investments, save and don’t throw it away on meaningless things.

9. Don’t Make Your Underage Children Life-Insurance Beneficiaries — It’s a No-No!

Life insurance companies will not make a payout to children under 18 years of age. Suze suggests you create a trust account and name the trust as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy.

10. Own the Power to Control Your Own Destiny

Give to yourself as much as you give of yourself. Power comes from who you are, not what you have, and the transformation starts with how you allow others to treat you. Do what’s right, rather than what’s easy.

Suze says, “Remember to muster up your courage and silence your fear … keep your eye on the goal, on what you really want to accomplish, no matter what anyone says or does to deter you. Just keep moving forward.