Melissa Clark Reynolds
What defines the Future?
Melissa Clark-Reynolds Is a futurist, entrepreneur and professional company director. She has been the founder and CEO of several technology business including Looxie, MiniMonos, software firms PayGlobal, Intaz, GMV Associates (sold to Southern Cross) which became Fusion – New Zealand’s largest private ACC insurer. She has had two Fast50 companies and three AsiaPac Fast 500s. She is currently working with BRANZ to identify the most disruptive business models in the construction industry around the world. She is one of the few New Zealand women to raise investment money both nationally and internationally. In 2012 she was named one of the top-10 female company founders to watch by Forbes Magazine. She attended the Excellerated Business School in '92 where she created a business plan and a large vision for her life and started a business in her bedroom. In 7 years, she went on to grow it to $190M in revenues and over 200 team members. She sold the business and went on to found and invest in and mentor other technology based businesses.
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